Potassium citrate can be defined as a type of compound that is composed of oxygen, hydrogen, potassium, and carbon atoms. This substance does not have any odor and it also has a salty taste that is very subtle. Nowadays, this compound is commonly used in many different applications. Here are some examples of how potassium citrate is being utilized and the possible health benefits it can provide to the body.

Potassium Citrate used as a Buffer
A lot of people may not be aware of this, but potassium citrate is actually a common ingredient in soft drinks. This substance is used since it acts as a buffering agent. In other words, potassium citrate can help adjust the acidity or the pH level of the beverage in order to make it appropriate for consumption. Some of the common beverages that may include a little bit of potassium citrate include cola and lemon-lime soft drinks.

Effects of Potassium Citrate in the Body
Since potassium citrate is considered as an electrolyte, this can have a huge effect in the control of the body's fluid balance. Aside from this, this substance can also help the heart to function. Aside from soft drinks, potassium citrate can also be seen naturally on certain foods including avocado, lentils, soy beans, and winter squash just to name a few. Below are some of the common health benefits of this electrolyte.

Prevents the Formation of Kidney Stones -- This substance is very useful in hindering the formation of kidney stones by minimizing acid in the urine. Aside from this, potassium citrate can also help treat other types of kidney diseases.
Manage Gout Formation -- Aside from preventing the formation of kidney stones, this electrolyte can also be an effective treatment for gouty arthritis. This is made possible by flushing out the excess uric acid in the blood that causes the development of gout.

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